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Heat treatment in a sentence

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Sentence count:206Posted:2018-09-03Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: silent treatmenttreatmenttax treatmentmistreatmentill-treatmentmaltreatmentpretreatmentunder treatment
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(61) Vaporization gas furnace, furnace section of dehydration, heat treatment furnace sales and installation.
(62) The gas brazing and vacuum brazing and the influence of heat treatment.
(63) Studies have shown that different vanadium oxide phases are obtained by different methods of vacuum heat treatment.
(64) Whole Stamping, heat treatment, blade special make, tartness and orderliness.
(65) Many experiments were treated in productive condition. We had looked for the better component ratio and the better heat treatment technical procedure.
(66) Heat treatment can affect protein, energy and anti - nutritive factors of solvent extacted soybean meal.
(67) The induction heating equipment and heat treatment process of thick - wall pipe were reconstructed.
(68) The product has excellent tooling quality and machining performance, so as to alleviate and avoid the deformation of ejector pin because of heat treatment.
(69) In addition, improper heat treatment process and welding defects promotes the destruction trend in the gas turbine wheel.
(70) Experimental studies on reason of formation and heat treatment of banded structure in gear steel for automobile are discussed in this paper.
(71) Can provide users with artificial aging, high - temperature graphite annealing, such as hardening heat treatment process.
(72) LY12 duralumin was heat treated on a trial basis and the variation of microstructure and mechanical properties with heat treatment process was obtained.
(73) The graphitizing degree of two kinds of carbon slides obviously increased after high temperature heat treatment.
(74) In order to improve the shock toughness of friction welding joint of oil drilling pipe,( spray quenching is used as the measure of heat treatment after friction welding.
(75) It is found that raising the temperature and prolonging soaking time of spheroidizing heat treatment promoting the spheroidization of carbides.
(76) Grey cast iron of automobile engine body is treated ( phase - change hardening ) by plasma surface heat treatment.
(77) On the other hand, the improper heat treatment operation can not completely relieve the casting stress and remnant stress, and further enhances generation and expansion of cracks.
(78) Product Effect: Lustrate algidity in kidney, energy the channels, provide kidney energy by continue heat treatment.
(79) Drawings will also include the material part numbers, tolerances clearances, surface machining symbols, heat treatment information, surface protection, material weight and other necessary information.
(80) The influence of heat treatment on the crystallization behavior of polyoxymethylene (POM) was investigated.
(81) The improved heat treatment process was obtained by adjusting technology parameters and changing parts loading mode. As a result, the contact accuracy and life of countershaft were improved.
(82) Some spring fracture cause is mainly instability of spring steel quality, and the arts and crafts on heat treatment of steel material matching spring product is necessary to be perfected.
(83) It is inferred that low strength and bad ductility which is induced by abnormal heat treatment are the cause of brittle fracture happening for the gear shaft.
(84) The heat treatment technology of SUS 321 medium plate is improved by experiment.
(85) I have heat treatment unit, for a set of high-tech manufacturing[], processing level.
(86) Heat treatment furnaces are common equipments of metallurgical and mechanical industries.
(87) The results show that heat treatment can change species of copper oxide, and these species can influence the electrochemical performance of the composite electrode materials.
(88) Solidification and heat treatment structures of high boron cast alloy lining plate, its mechanical properties and wear resistance after heat treatment are researched.
(89) Analysis of test results of the calculation and comparison drawn by the heat treatment means increased activation of sericite in the best conditions.
(90) The as-cast bainite steel studied in this paper could obtain bainite directly in the as-cast condition through alloying and controlling the cast cooling rate without heat treatment.
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